
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Enough with the Insomnia

I went Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night without taking any sleep medication.  The first night I got around 3 or 4 hours of sleep, then 4, then last night I was wide awake after 45 minutes.  I laid in bed for about 30 minutes or an hour, and then got up.  I was not tired.  I started doing research and apparently insomnia is one of the most common and troublesome symptoms for women... next to hot flashes (which I don't have, thank GOD!).  When I took estrogen I didn't have sleep disturbances like this.  Getting only 3 hours of sleep a few days in a row is not good and this had been going on even before I stopped taking sleep medication.  All The typical sleep medications I kept trying did not work so I've been doing this for weeks now.  I am still pain free so the Estrogen must have been activating the endometriosis, but maybe the lack of Estrogen is the cause for no sleep now.  So, I caved at 6 a.m. and took my always trustworthy Klonopin and slept for 5.5 hours straight.  Ahh.  That with the 45 minutes I got b/f that is 6.25 hours of sleep.  I feel much better.  I really think it's hormonal so I'm going to make an appt with my doctor on Monday and catch up on sleep "unnaturally" for a few days until I see her.  I've read a lot online and it looks like I can take progesterone and it will help with menopausal insomnia.  It shouldn't contribute to the endo. Fingers cross, hands in prayer.  I must give God the glory that even though I was getting very little sleep He did answer my prayer and sustain me during the day.  I was able to take care of everything I needed to during the day very well.  My talking was getting strange, though, (stuttering) so sleep deprivation was really setting in.

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